Fungal Toenail Doctors, Laser Toenail Fungus Therapy in Miami & Hialeah, FL
Get The Care You Need For Fungal Toenails
Fungal infection of the toenails (also called onychomycosis) occurs when a fungus infects the tissue underneath the toenail. The result is discoloration of the nail. Often the nail becomes thickened and raised. It commonly involves several nails simultaneously. It often occurs in people with persistent moisture in their feet, such as with footwear that does not allow air circulation or in those who perspire excessively in their feet.
Diagnosis -The diagnosis of fungal infection of a toenail can be made based on the appearance of the toe. In some cases a sample may be obtained, to look for fungus under a microscope or to grow and identify the fungus in a laboratory.
Treatment - The treatment for fungal nail infections usually involves an antifungal antibiotic. Oral antibiotics are generally required to treat the fungus while new nail grows in. The medication needs to be taken for several weeks to months while a new, healthy nail grows in. Antifungal medications applied to the urface of the nail are not usually effective. In other cases, the infected nail is removed.
Without Treatment -The nails can become very thickened, discolored and unsightly. In some cases, pain or infection can result from very thickened nails.
Laser Therapy For Toenail Fungus
Why Choose Laser?
Are you suffering with Toenail Fungus? Perfect Feet Care Podiatry Centers is pleased to introduce you to a new in-office laser treatment called the Q-Clear procedure, which treats toenails discolored and thickened by toenail fungus. It is virtually pain free and patients can resume their normal activity within the day.
“Many of the patients who visit us have tried all of the topical treatments with minimal success” states our board-certified podiatrist Dr. Juliette Perez. “The Q-Clear™ q-switched NdYAG laser treatment for toenail fungus removal procedure only takes 1-3 treatments to effectively rid them of their fungal nails.”
Fungal toenails are very common and affect nearly 11 million Americans each year. For years, topical solutions were used to treat the fungus without much success, then oral medications were developed which had the same mediocre results and more side effects. Removal of toenail fungus using laser treatment is the newest technique to treat toenail fungus, and both physicians and patients have been found to be very satisfied with the results.
With our office located in the Miami, Florida area, we are able to accomodate the needs of our patients. We are always available for new patients, so contact us today to schedule your consultation.
Benefits of Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus
Quick, in-office procedure.
Proven safe and effective treatment.
Painless procedure with no down-time.
High success rate when compared with alternative treatment options.
Cost Effective.
How much does it cost?
For most patients, the out-of-pocket costs are much less than you would expect. If you have a Health Savings Account or Medical IRA, 100% of the cost can be covered. However, in most situations, health insurance plans do not provide coverage.
Contact our offices today for more information and to setup a consultation for laser treatment of toenail fungus, or simply click here to schedule your appointment online.
How Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus Works
No need to hide your toenails any longer!
Nail fungus is difficult to erradicate because the fungus grows under the nail plate in the nail bed. Topical medications have a very low sucess rate in treating this condition. Oral drug therapy is effective in about 65-70 percent of patients. However, there are potential side effects from the medication, including liver toxicity. Laser therapy is safe and effective.
The Q-Clear™ Laser System is proven to be the best laser for treating patients with fungal nails . Mild cases will typically respond to a single treatment, moderate to severe cases may need debridement and more that one treatment. The procedure is conveniently performed in our office in a single treatment, avoiding costly and time-consuming scheduling delays. There are no known side effects and you can return to normal activities immediately following the treatment. The treatment is painless and takes less than a minute per nail.
Laser Treatments For Fungal Toenails
If your toenails appear yellow, brittle or thickened, you may be suffering from a medical condition called Onychomycosis, or nail fungus. This is an extremely common problem, shared by up to 10% of the US population. If you are over 40, the number rises to 25% in that age group; and if you are over 60, sufferers from toe nail fungus can be as high as an estimated 50%! Up until very recently, treating toe nail fungus has been challenging due to the hardy nature of the fungus that resides under your nail. Topical medications or lacquers are largely ineffective and designed to mostly prevent the spread or worsening of the condition. Oral medications are estimated to be about 50% successful, but those drugs are not tolerated well by many patients and risk of liver damage is an overriding concern. The latest and most effective treatment for the removal of toe nail fungus is laser therapy. Within this category, the Q-Clear laser has produced the most promising and successful results and is the only device specifically FDA-approved for the treatment of toe nail fungus.
Your first step is to seek out a practitioner to verify if you do, in fact, have toe nail fungus. You can seek out a diagnosis from a Family Doctor, Dermatologist, Podiatrist or even a Plastic Surgeon.
The Q-Clear laser treatmentQ-Clear is an effective, quick treatment, that provides results. Light Age, the manufacturer of the Q-Clear laser, is a pioneer in the laser industry with numerous years of experience in the aesthetic and surgical medical device industry. Light Age is also a leader in government research with laser stationed at the south pole for early radiation detection to protect all of us.
The Q-Clear uses short burst of laser energy to target the fungus beneath the nail and destroy it. Depending upon the severity and advancement of your nail fungus, one treatment is typically all that is necessary to kill the fungus.
Our practice uses the most advanced laser technology currently available. Dr. Perez is the first in the area to use the Q-Clear™ q-switched NdYAG laser for the treatment of fungal nail beds. Most other laser systems are not “q-switched” and can not produce the the same effect. Q-switched lasers are capable of producing very high power in extremely short impulses only lasting a few billionths of a second.
Upon a treatment with the Q-Clear Laser System, all of the nail fungus should be destroyed. Visual improvement, however, is not immediate but rather requires your toe nail to grow out. Depending on how quickly your nails grow, you could see new clear nail appear starting at the bottom of your nail in a matter of only a few weeks. It could take, however, six months or longer for your old, diseased nail to completely grow out and be replaced by new, clear nail.
The Q-Clear Laser System has arguably the most comprehensive and resoundingly positive clinical results of any treatment EVER used for nail fungus. In a controlled medical setting using a single practitioner, over 100 patients were treated with varying degrees of onychomycosis. From this group, patient satisfaction was measured at 100% with the eventual appearance of significant to complete clear nail measured in 97% of cases. Only the most advanced cases of toe nail fungus did not report complete clearance and in those rare cases a simple follow-up treatment will usually produce the desired result.
Besides its effectiveness, the Q-Clear distinguishes itself from other lasers primarily in the degree of patient comfort its treatments provide. Other lasers use the principle of heat in an attempt to destroy the nail fungus, which in turn can translate into significant patient intolerance of those treatments. Conversely, the shorter burst of Q-switched laser energy employed by the Q-Clear laser imparts only minimal heat detected by the patient. In short, treatments are highly tolerable and do not hurt.
No, the procedure is considered cosmetic, and is not covered by health insurance.
The cost varies depending on the number of nails involved and severity of the infection. The national average for treatment is between $500 and $1200. However, since our practice offers the most state-of-the-art laser equipment, we can provide the most effective treatment in less time, and at a reduced cost. Our fees range between $295 and $945 at the present time. A free consultation is provided to determine if you are a good candidate for laser treatment. Payment plans are available.
The fungal infection is expected to improve with just one treatment. Clinical reports to date have demonstrated effectiveness with approximately 80% to 90% of patients noticing significant improvement. As with all medical procedures, a 100% guarantee is not possible. In addition, since fungus is present everywhere in the environment, reinfection can occur. Your doctor can recommend preventative strategies to reduce the chance of reinfection.
You can apply polish to the nail immediately after the laser treatment. However it is important to remove all nail polish prior to your treatment. Changing socks and shoes frequently is helpful, as well as controlling excessive perspiration if present.
The amount of time varies on the degree of involvement of the nails. Very thick nails are mechanically reduced without pain to a more normal thickness with specialized equipment. The laser light is then applied to the nails which typically takes only a few minutes. Overall a typical visit for consultation and treatment will take anywhere between 20 minutes to 40 minutes.
Although the Q-Clear Laser System has recently been FDA-approved as the only Q-switched laser to treat nail fungus, it is hardly a new technology. It has actually been used and FDA-approved for other medical applications primarily in Dermatology since 2005 and it is estimated that given its broad scope of application, it has been safely used in over one million treatments since that time. There are no perceived risks to a patient seeking treatment for toe nail fungus using the Q-Clear Laser System.
Yes. Lasers for ugly unsightly toenail infections have a two plus year track record that is very impressive. Patients are pleased, happy and no longer embarrassed by their ugly unsightly toenail infections. Patients have stated they are now wearing sandals which they have not worn for many years because of their ugly unsightly toes.